Another track of learning explorations… this time it’s about pianos….
New track exploration, working on completing full track experiences, not individual studies. This one I really tried to push a full sound and somewhat have some structure, contrast, dynamics hmmm..
Did this illustration for a website, Vogt Visuals is working on –
I think I forgot to mention! Lazslo Kovacs and I created a game for the Android market entitled Finger Swinger.
- Jon Snyder came up with the idea
- Laszlo programmed it!
- I did the art and music
It’s free – get playing today!!
Mom came down with a brain tumor and the magical staff at the Royal Columbian Hospital removed it just fine! She’s 110 %. I was so moved by the whole ordeal I presented this to our neurosurgeon, Dr Heran. Awesome guy 😉
That’s my sister, thanks to Joel, my brother in-law at 4th Dimension Reprographics for the great canvas print!!