Hey Everyone!
I recorded a whopping 1:25 hours of 100% commentaried Matt Vogt Painting Process. I would like to do these more and more. Yesterday night is when this took place. Now please note what you’ll witness is an artist warming up from a day or two painting break. It’s like training a muscle (not speaking from experience) but we achieved some interesting results despite staring art making doom directly in the face. Yes.
This is the part of the video that was intentionally depicted to show how an artist can get his butt kicked by his own work:
(it was getting shaky in there) And this?
The result:
[flashvideo file=”http://mattvogt.com/media/CrowSeparation.flv” /]Topics include:
- Composition
- Color Picking
- ‘Sweet Tweaks’ to keep the flow going and never give up (seen middle image?)
- Using layer adjustments to our advantage
- A layered, yet committed (backward) approach